Ankersmid M&C

Neo LaserGas II SP Compact Monitor

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The Neo LaserGas II SP Compact Monitor is derived from the standard Single Path instruments and has been optimized for applications with short path lengths between 10 and 100 centimeters. Because the device is equipped with a focused laser beam, it is possible to measure through very thin insertion tubes (<10 mm diameter). As a result, only a very limited flushing rate is required with the SP Compact for applications where rinsing of the lens to prevent dust deposits is necessary. With the optional internal desiccants, these devices can also be optimized for in-situ measurement of trace levels of eg O2 and H2O. The LaserGasTMII SP Compact Monitor consists of a transmitter/receiver (mounted diametrically opposite each other) to determine the average concentration of gas along the optical measurement field.

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