Yokogawa voegt ZR802S Explosieveilige Converter toe aan OpreX Analyzers Lineup

Yokogawa voegt ZR802S Explosieveilige Converter toe aan OpreX Analyzers Lineup

Bevat functies voor sensor-zelfbeoordeling en datalogging die de bedrijfskosten aanzienlijk verlagen - OpreX Analyzers



Plant operators need to increase operational efficiency by improving uptime and introducing labor-saving measures, and thus want to reduce the likelihood of instrument failures that can lead to plant outages or deterioration in product quality, and eliminate the need to inspect instruments on site.
Therefore, with its zirconia concentration analyzers, Yokogawa has sought to introduce remote monitoring and other capabilities that reduce the time and effort required for maintenance operations and increase uptime. The ZR802S converter features a self-assessment feature that enables early detection of deterioration in a zirconium oxygen detector, a data logging feature that captures vital maintenance information, and support for a number of key communication protocols. These innovations are expected to contribute to a significant reduction in OPEX.


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