Een warmtebeeldcamera is voor vroegtijdige branddetectie de beste kandidaat.
BLW Visser bv

A thermal imager is the best candidate for early fire detection.

Is that right? Yes, but only if it is applied correctly!



Not applying properly means:

• Many false alarms because standard heat sources are not detected
• Too many false alarms make users disinterested in following up on notifications
• The camera works no better than a simple flame detector
• The lost detection time is sufficient to make the resulting fire uncontrollable
• The investment for the fire detection has been badly spent, it will have to be reinvested
• Despite the investment, your company still burns down and the production stop can last for months
• Due to the production stop, your customers go to your colleagues for processing

For rooms larger than 10 x 10 meters, a fixed camera is often no longer sufficient!
We can show you in a demo that many fixed cameras no longer recognize good heat development after 10 meters or more!
Early fire detection is not possible, your investment is not well spent

The system cannot control extinguishing

What security does the Orglmeister system offer you?

• Best possible early fire detection, the most important condition for mastering a fire!
• False alarms are minimized by the sophisticated and self-learning configuration of the system.
• The measured data is recorded 24/7/365
• The system can be expanded with automatically aiming extinguishing robots
• A group of engineers is always ready to help immediately in the event of calamities or malfunctions. This can be done online.
• The system itself can detect possible malfunctions at an early stage!
• The system has been provided with an Approval for fire detection by the VdS, which means that your insurer would like to see you apply this system.
• If you can convince us that we don’t deliver the best of the best, you can let us buy the system back.
• More than 300 PYROsmart systems already operational in Europe and the UK!
• The best price for early fire detection per square meter.


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